About KimMurray

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So far KimMurray has created 21 blog entries.

Every Little Bit Helps

Staff at a Chula Vista business decided to forgo an employee gift exchange and instead collected supplies and funds to donate to the CVACF. A donation of blankets, beds, cat trees, and $225 was gratefully accepted!

And one local middle schooler worked all year to save up for her gift to […]

2019-02-17T08:51:37-08:00February 17th, 2019|Cats, Dogs, Pet Responsibility|

Foster Care Program Sponsorship

The Foster Care Program is designed to give animals, who are too young or not ready to be adopted, a chance to thrive in a loving, temporary home until they can be adopted through the Chula Vista Animal Care Facility. All supplies necessary to care for the animals are provided, including […]

2019-02-17T08:30:52-08:00February 17th, 2019|Accomplishments|

Cattery Expansion

We obtained a $25,000 grant from the PETCO Foundation to help finance a new cattery addition. This was exciting news for the facility! This important expansion comfortably houses all the cats available for adoption! You can walk through the hallway and see all the kitties playing and interacting with each other. This social environment […]

2019-02-17T07:47:47-08:00February 17th, 2019|Accomplishments|

Providing Comfort

We’ve made huge strides in making sure every animal is comfortable and cozy at the Chula Vista Animal Care Facility.

  • We installed air conditioning units for the animals in all four of the facility’s animal control trucks.
  • We have provided hundreds of warm, comfortable fleece beds and blankets for cats […]
2019-02-17T08:21:41-08:00February 17th, 2019|Accomplishments|

Urgent Veterinary Care

We completed a state-of-the medical treatment room at the facility for sick/injured animals and have funded special surgical procedures for seriously injured cats and dogs, and special tests as needed. In addition, we’ve supplied vaccines and necessary veterinary supplies and medicine to help treat sick and injured animals.

2019-02-17T07:26:50-08:00February 17th, 2019|Accomplishments|

Exercise Area

Without a doubt, one of the areas that stand out as the greatest improvement for both the animals and the volunteers who dedicate time and energy to exercising the dogs is the new and improved exercise area with the artificial turf. Be sure to bring a camera with you, because […]

2019-02-17T11:36:11-08:00February 17th, 2019|Accomplishments|

Roy & Marion Holleman Foundation Grant

In November of 2014 we received a second grant from the Roy & Marion Holleman Foundation for the Chula Vista Animal Care facility in the amount of $40,000. This grant was to be used for Facility Enhancement projects at the Shelter. Among the stipulated projects that were spelled out in […]

2019-02-17T07:06:04-08:00February 17th, 2019|Accomplishments|


In February 2017, the Spay Shuttle received a proclamation from Chula Vista Mayor and City Council for five amazing years of performing FREE Spay/Neuter services to the South Bay pets of low income residents.  H.E.A.R.T. is the major funder of these FREE spay/neuter efforts! The Spay Shuttle provides spay/neuter services for […]

2019-02-17T08:56:08-08:00February 17th, 2019|Accomplishments, News Stories, Pet Responsibility|

Free Spays & Neuters

On August 1, 2018, Dr. Dorothy York, president of HEART presents a check for $10,000 to Mandy Mills of the Chula Vista Animal Care Facility to support free spays and neuters. Your donations made this possible!

Do you need to have your pet spayed or neutered? If you’re qualified, find […]

2019-02-17T09:19:34-08:00August 1st, 2018|Accomplishments|

Romeo & Juliet

Story as seen on 10News on October 13, 2016…
By Jermaine Ong

CHULA VISTA, Calif. – One of the oddest of couples is looking for a new home, and their health depends on it.
Romeo the cat and Juliet the dog are what animal experts call a “bonded pair,” meaning one of them […]

2019-02-17T06:36:31-08:00October 13th, 2016|Adoptions, Cats, Dogs, News Stories|
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